Alameda Felony DUI Lawyer

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Alameda Felony DUI Attorney

Following a DUI arrest, many people can have their rights infringed upon but cannot protect themselves against the criminal charges. Our Alameda felony DUI lawyer works to prevent this from happening. The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman can be by your side every step of the way to ensure you have someone passionately protecting your rights. Facing a felony DUI is daunting, but with the right help, you can work together to fight for an optimal outcome.

Alameda Felony DUI Lawyer

How Can the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman Help?

Facing any kind of felony charge is more than intimidating. Whether an individual has no experience with the legal system or has a lengthy criminal record, DUI arrests come with vast legal complexities that are better handled with help from a skilled DUI defense lawyer. Retaining the services of our experienced attorney can ensure the protection of your rights. The following are just a few of the ways that our DUI team can represent you:

  • Explaining Your Rights During Police Interactions. It can be challenging to remember your rights during a police interaction. While your arrest likely already took place, we can explain the rights you should have had during your interaction. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize their rights were infringed upon until they look back at what happened. If an officer violated your rights, this can play a crucial role in your defense. If necessary, our team can work to acquire footage from your arrest in Alameda to ensure it occurred legally.
  • Challenging Field Sobriety Tests. Field sobriety tests can be subjective and often lack validity. Additionally, they are prone to human error. Our attorney can analyze the field sobriety tests that were conducted on you, identify any irregularities or issues, and work to challenge these results. Sometimes, factors like weather conditions, pre-existing medical conditions, or improper instructions from the officer can make the results considered inaccurate evidence.
  • Denying Breathalyzer or Blood Test Results. Breathalyzer or blood test results are not infallible. The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman can investigate issues with testing devices, the way the officer administered your test or blood sample handling procedures. There are cases where improper calibration or inadequate training can be reasons to challenge the test results. If we can successfully omit the results, we can have a chance to dismiss your case.
  • Examining Witness Statements. Witness statements can be crucial to the prosecution’s case against you, but they are not always reliable. People can forget or misremember details pertinent to their innocence. If this situation is apparent, we can work to find the inconsistencies, biases, or inaccuracies that weaken the government’s case.
  • Negotiating With Prosecutors. In many DUI cases, there is room for negotiation. Our skilled attorney can leverage their skills and knowledge of the court system to find the most favorable outcome for your circumstances. Whether fighting for reduced charges, changed charges, DUI program participation, or alternative sentencing, we can negotiate a suitable result.
  • Representing You at Trial. If your case goes to trial, we will be there beside you. We can provide persuasive representation in court by presenting a compelling defense, cross-examining witnesses, and ensuring the judge and jury understand your story. Having our skilled Alameda attorney with you at trial can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.


Q: How Long Are Jail Sentences for Felony DUIs in California?

A: The length of your jail sentence following a felony DUI in California can depend on a variety of factors. These factors can include whether you have prior DUI convictions in the past seven years, whether your DUI caused an accident that resulted in bodily injury or death, and whether there were any aggravating factors that increased the severity of your charge. The length of a felony jail sentence is much longer than a misdemeanor DUI and can range from a few years to 10+.

Q: Does a DUI Stay on Your Record Forever in California?

A: Whether or not a DUI stays on your record forever depends on the severity of your offense. A misdemeanor DUI can remain on your record for several years, but a felony DUI can stay on your record indefinitely. The specific number of years a DUI stays on your record can change depending on the facts of your case and if you decide to attempt expungement. Pursuing options like getting your DUI expunged can take time, but our Alameda felony attorney can help.

Q: What Is the Sentence for a Felony DUI With Bodily Injury in California?

A: The sentence for a felony DUI with bodily injury in California is more severe than a standard felony DUI but can change depending on the extent of the injury and additional factors. A potential sentence can include years in state prison, fines, license revocation, and other consequences. Depending on the BAC level, the court can impose additional penalties or aspects to affect your life after leaving prison.

Q: How Do You Get a Felony DUI Expunged in California?

A: Getting a felony DUI expunged in California is not simple. During the process, you can petition the court to seal your criminal record, but there is no guarantee the court will oblige. Specific requirements exist for this action, such as completing all court-ordered jail time, probation, and community service, as well as not receiving any new felony or high-level misdemeanor convictions. Our DUI attorney can walk you through the process.

Contact Us for Help With Your Alameda DUI Today

Felony DUI charges can severely impact your life in ways you may not expect. At the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman, we have extensive experience with DUI cases like yours and seek the most favorable outcomes for each client.

When you face serious charges, you want a firm that will advocate for you and help you overcome any legal obstacle. We are that firm. We protect your rights, fight for the optimal outcome, and look out for your future. Do not wait to get help for your felony DUI case. Contact us for a consultation so we can start discussing your case.


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