Albany DUI Lawyer

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Albany DUI Attorney

The right decision is not to drive while previously or presently drinking alcohol, but an Albany DUI Lawyer can help if you find yourself in a traffic mishap due to alcohol consumption. There are many factors that can impact your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels and push them above the legal limit.

In addition to consuming alcohol before or while operating a vehicle, high BAC levels might occur due to fatigue, medical issues, medication, your size, or other factors. Still, if your car is moving erratically and a police officer suspects you of impaired driving, you typically will be stopped and checked for DUI.

Fortunately, your attorney from the Law Office Of Louis J. Goodman will understand these factors and can use them to build a strong case in your defense. You can improve your chances of mitigating damages with a skilled Albany DUI lawyer.

The Importance of Personalized Defense in Albany DUI Cases

Every DUI case is different depending on the person and the circumstances surrounding the incident. For example, some people are chronic drinkers and deserve the full punishment under the law for making poor decisions repeatedly. In contrast, another person may have mistakenly been pulled over during a stop designed to catch people driving under the influence. Nevertheless, you may have to sort out a DUI charge in court, and it can be complicated to discount the seriousness of your case.

By working with an Albany DUI lawyer, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re working with a professional who understands the nuances of DUI cases in California. At the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman, we work with you to provide personalized care that can bolster your defense and lead to a more positive outcome for your case.

A conviction can change your whole life, affecting your finances, family relationships, and even your freedom. DUI attorney consultations are invaluable in such situations. It is critical to know your rights, so if you are charged with a DUI, seek legal assistance immediately.

What Happens When You Are Arrested for DUI in Albany ?

After you are pulled over, the officer must go through several steps while evaluating your level of intoxication and determining which steps to take next. California is an implied consent state, which means you have technically given a blanket consent to chemical testing and field sobriety testing upon receiving your license.

These assessments do not automatically make you guilty of a crime. It’s wise to comply with law enforcement without giving them unnecessary information. Then, contact an Albany DUI attorney to work in your defense as soon as you’re able. A DUI arrest and the process that follows can include the following steps:

  • The stop
  • Observation
  • The search
  • Road test
  • Field sobriety test
  • PAS test
  • Police report
  • Mandatory chemical test
  • Arrest/Detention/Release

Getting Through a DUI Stop Without Harming Your Legal Position

After a DUI stop, it is essential to cooperate with law enforcement. However, you need to protect your rights. Therefore, it is best to do nothing without consulting your attorney. Attorneys can file for dismissal if no actual cause for the stop is found.

Your Rights Regarding Breathalyzer Tests

The Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) test—the test the police will ask you to take on the street—is not mandatory before you are officially arrested. However, once an arrest has been made, you are obligated to submit to either a breath test or a blood test.

Strategies for Avoiding a DUI in California

DUI cases are overwhelmingly related to vehicular accidents. So, if you make the decision to drink, it’s wise to plan ahead for how you will travel the rest of the day. There are endless options available to you that are safer than getting behind the wheel while under the influence. For starters, you can:

  • Give yourself ample time to sober up.
  • Let a non-drinker drive.
  • Stay overnight at a hotel.
  • Use a taxi or rideshare option.

You can even go to sleep in the back seat of the car with the ignition off and the keys out of the ignition.

Consequences for a DUI in Albany

A DUI charge may place you in the position of paying for regular urinalysis checks, meeting a probation officer, jail, or job loss. In addition, you may face mandatory use of an ignition interlocking device. Other potential consequences for receiving a DUI charge in California include:

  • Completing substance abuse treatment.
  • Having your driver’s license revoked temporarily or permanently.
  • Having the right to vote taken away.
  • Higher insurance costs.
  • Long-term probation.
  • Losing the ability to purchase weapons.
  • Losing custody of your children.
  • Wearing an ankle bracelet.

Why You Need an Albany Attorney for DUI Charges

Anyone finding themselves in need of a DUI attorney, our many years of experience make us ready to handle your driving under the influence case on every level. The DUI does not stop at alcohol but includes any substance that affects how a vehicle user takes a motor vehicle.

Got a DUI, contact a lawyer. A DUI is a criminal offense, and it will go on your record as a felony or misdemeanor. Depending on the level of the charge, even though your initial problems might have been a traffic violation. Without an attorney, this problem can be more profound. Charges are different in each state. An attorney can generally mitigate the consequences of a DUI arrest. Read our client reviews to see how we’ve helped others in similar situations.

DUI Penalties and Their Impact

If convicted of a DUI in Albany, CA, there are forced education classes the state can initiate. The state can take your license, hampering your ability to reach your job and other obligations. No doubt, it won’t be easy to regain your driving privileges. If you are mentally impaired while driving, protecting your rights may not be your highest consideration, but it will be the job of your attorney. The more you’ve been drinking, the more severe the penalty.

  • Possible Penalties
  • Felony – Misdemeanor.
  • Expensive fines
  • Probation/Parole

A friendly drink among friends and a quick drive to the store are never expected to turn your life upside down. Yet, in some instances, it does. A quality criminal defense attorney in Albany is trained to manage legal issues to maintain your best interest, no matter the circumstances. The job is to defend you.

If you are a drinker, it might be wise to chat with an attorney prior to festive activities; drinking and driving is not the smartest thing. However, knowing what you can and cannot do is better than making further mistakes after you find yourself in a bad situation.


How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in California?

The cost of working with an Albany DUI lawyer can vary based on a number of different factors, including the attorney’s level of experience in handling DUI charges. Working with an experienced lawyer can often cost more upfront, but it also provides added peace of mind that you’re working with a trustworthy professional. Other cost factors include the complexity of your case and whether or not someone was injured due to the incident.

How Do I Get a DUI Dismissed in California?

It can be difficult to have a DUI case dismissed in California, but it’s not impossible. You can fight your case by proving that your arrest was unlawful or involved improper procedures. This can include having evidence that it was an unreasonable traffic stop or that your sobriety tests were invalid. By working with an Albany DUI lawyer, you can explore all your options for finding weaknesses in the DUI charge made against you.

Is Jail Time Mandatory for My First DUI in California?

Jail time for your first DUI charge is possible but not mandatory. The likelihood of serving jail time increases if your BAC level is high enough, you refused chemical testing or field sobriety testing, or you injured a person or property due to driving under the influence. Speaking with an experienced Albany DUI attorney can help you determine the likelihood of jail time in your case.

What Is the Difference Between a DUI and a DWI in California?

In the state of California, Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are used interchangeably for the most part. That said, they are treated slightly differently under the law. You can get a DWI charge if your BAC is .08% or higher. However, you can still receive a DUI even if your BAC is lower than the legal amount if the officer can prove that you are a danger to others on the road.

Contact Our Albany DUI Legal Experts

Navigating the legal processes after a DUI can be complicated and overwhelming, but you can protect your rights and better fight your charges with an Albany DUI lawyer on your side. Contact the Law Office Of Louis J. Goodman for DUI legal assistance from skilled professionals in Albany. You can trust our experienced team to defend your rights and protect your future.

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