Yearly Archives: 2012

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November 08, 2012

Embezzlement – Stealing From The Inside.

Here’ a scene I hope you will not face, but maybe you will. Company security officers have invited you to a meeting at your work place in Oakland, Fremont, Hayward, Pleasanton, or some other location in Alameda County, and confronted you with some evidence of…

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November 06, 2012

On Parole? Can You Bail?

A woman asked me whether she could bail her boyfriend who may or may not be on Parole. Here’s my answer: If he is off parole you should be able to bail him out. If he is still on parole there will be a “parole…

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October 05, 2012

Protecting The Constitution

I’m really grateful that I’m a lawyer. Law, I suppose, is a calling. I think that I’ve always been a lawyer. Really, even when I was a little kid I was arguing, defending, and figuring out the rules at home or at school. I started…

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April 12, 2012

Petty Theft Case Dispositions

I hear people say, “I was arrested for a petty theft, I did it, I just want to get this behind me. I’m going to just go in, plead guilty or no contest, pay the fine, and get probation.” What’s wrong with that? EVERYTHING. Petty…

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February 13, 2012

Red Light Camera Tickets

A new case just came down from the California Court of Appeal, People v. Borzakian, cite as 2012 DJDAR 1923 (until the actual opinion is published in the advance sheets). The case holds that: “Police officer is not qualified to authenticate photographic evidence of traffic…

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