Getting arrested for domestic violence is a serious matter. Depending on whether the prosecutor files felony or misdemeanor domestic violence charges, you could be facing a long time in state prison. When law enforcement responds to a call of domestic violence and there are marks…
In an age of unlimited talk and text, free long distance and video calling, and pennies-per-minute international rates, the thought of charging upwards of $100-per-hour for speaking with inmates over the phone sounds quite bizarre. Such charges may even sound criminal. In a revealing online…
New York legislators are considering a bill (S6325A) that would allow police officers to conduct field testing of mobile telephones after an accident or collision to determine whether the device was used while driving. The latest estimates by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration put…
Here’s a little blurb out of today’s SF Gate / SF Chronicle: “Police in Fairfield arrested 14 men for allegedly soliciting prostitutes over the weekend. The men are accused of approaching undercover police officers who were posing as prostitutes and offering them money in exchange…
This year, Saint Patrick’s Day falls on Thursday, March 17th. It’s a cultural and religious holiday meant to commemorate Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. And while it is often celebrated for reasons beyond religious or national pride, it presents a good…
Scalia’s Legacy Antonin “Nino” Scalia, the 103rd Justice to serve on the United States Supreme Court, passed away on February 13, 2016. He leaves behind his wife and family of nine children and a legacy of having authored 282 majority opinions in his nearly 30…
For a while I really enjoyed following the story of the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Eastern Oregon. It had it all in terms of looks: cowboys looking like the Marlboro man, high plains covered with snow. I can’t say I really…
Driving under the influence additional restrictions (SB 61): You better reconsider getting behind the wheel after a few drinks. This law extends the existing Ignition Interlock Device (IID) pilot project to Sacramento and Tulare counties. According to the law, a person convicted of a DUI…
Driving under the influence additional restrictions (SB 61): You better reconsider getting behind the wheel after a few drinks. This law extends the existing Ignition Interlock Device (IID) pilot project in Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Tulare counties. According to the law, a person convicted…
The US Supreme Court Accepts Review of DUI Test-Refusal Cases The United States Supreme Court has granted review of three DUI cases stemming from states in the Eighth Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, in Minnesota and North Dakota. All three involve the defendant refusing to…
While it isn’t unusual for many people to share intimate details of their daily lives on social media websites, these platforms create an misunderstood opportunity for individuals to disclose possible evidence of crime. As if privacy were so passé. For better or worse, even a…
Lamar Odom: What more could a human being ask out of life than to be a fabulously wealthy, famous, former NBA star, and married to a Kardashian? How about not being halfway in a coma in a hospital bed near Las Vegas? How about not…
I’m the last one in my office building tonight, and I’m not done yet. I’m off to a DUI seminar with some of the foremost experts in the state. When you hire a criminal lawyer with expertise, you’re not paying for what that lawyer does,…
Here’s an article that was published in Bloomberg Business Week. It documents our local San Leandro store. Home Depot is not the only retailer engaged in these practices. One of our local judges is quite upset that this is done, and noted that no lawsuit…
The author, Mr. Dalton, seems rightly concerned with law school rankings. First of all, I think most of these school rankings, law school or otherwise matter little to the individual who seeks an education. But if we are stuck with rankings, it seems that it…
Here’s an interesting article by Glen Kelman. I’ve found that I learned many of the skills I use for practicing law while in high school. Some things about work are just not that interesting, but doing them thousands of times builds skills. So it helps…
Here’s a link to an interesting article: I really agree with the author. Even though I’ve been practicing criminal law (DUI, Domestic Violence, Theft, Drugs, etc.) in Alameda County for over 25 years as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, I don’t have all the…
I’ve been practicing criminal law and DUI law in Hayward for over twenty years. I’ve seen a lot of cases. Below I reprinted (with some minor edits) a story that I saw in the local newspaper of a Hayward DUI that caught my interest. So,…
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