First let me preface all of this by stating that I am of the belief that no matter what the law says, no matter what expungement is done for your record, and no matter how much time goes by, a historical record cannot be completely erased in this age of sophisticated computer searches. Still, if you’ve been charged with a DUI, you’re probably asking yourself, “How long does a DUI stay on your record in California?”
If you’ve been caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and are now facing a blemish on your criminal and driving records, it’s crucial to act quickly to build a defense and work toward a lesser sentencing. The legal and extra-legal implications of a conviction are severe and ongoing, but will it last forever?
A DUI conviction can show up on your driving record and your criminal record for varying lengths of time in California depending on the legal or administrative actions taken. In this article, we’re going to look at how long a DUI stays on your record and the implications this has on your life during this time and potentially after. We’ll also discuss where to find the best help to minimize the impact of a DUI on your permanent record.
The easiest way to have a DUI off your record is by not getting one on it in the first place. If you are facing DUI charges, it’s critical to speak with a competent and experienced local DUI defense attorney who can represent you and defend your rights in court.
A DUI conviction is recorded on your California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) record. Luckily, it won’t stay on your DMV record forever. Law enforcement officers and the DMV can view the infraction on your record for ten years in California. After that, provided you have no further drunk driving convictions, it will no longer appear on your driving record.
A DUI conviction on your driving record often does not appear when employers or landlords conduct a background check. This means that these groups may not be able to access or use a conviction against you in the future.
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean DUI offenders are off the hook. For starters, a DUI charge stays on your criminal record forever unless you take the necessary steps to have it removed. Furthermore, the hefty consequences of DUI charges recorded on your driver’s license for the ten years following the DUI arrest include, but are not limited to the following.
The consequences of drunk driving may result in an offender losing their driving privileges, paying hefty fines, and being obliged to install an ignition interlock device (IID) that prevents them from driving if they have consumed alcohol.
The IID requires the driver to blow into the device every time before operating the vehicle and can demand frequent updates throughout the journey. It’s not uncommon for a driver with an IID to have to pull over to blow multiple times if driving for an extended period of time. The cost of the IID is the driver’s responsibility, adding to the financial costs of a DUI conviction.
The California DMV employs a “points system” to monitor repeat driving offenses and risky behavior behind the wheel. Each driver starts with no points and may accumulate points on their license for engaging in dangerous driving tactics, such as exceeding the speed limit, driving drunk, or causing an accident or injury.
When a driver has collected a certain number of points, they receive a license suspension or revocation. Most drivers who have their license revoked or suspended end up in this situation after accumulating points for multiple small infractions rather than one large one. Therefore, offenses that seem trivial as a one-off may become a major headache if they are repeated.
Receiving marks on your record against your conduct as a driver affects you in two ways. First, your license will be suspended if you have accumulated:
A DUI conviction is in the highest point category. Each infraction incurs two points on your record. These points stay visible for thirteen years, and there is no way to remove them during this timeframe or to shorten this period.
Additionally, the points system offers another consequence: the more points you have on your driving record, the higher premiums car insurance companies require you to pay.
A DUI will stay on your driving record for ten years in California. When the time comes to renew your auto insurance policy, your car insurance company will check your DMV record. You can expect to pay markedly higher car insurance rates if you have a DUI conviction. This increases with each conviction you receive. It’s also possible for your insurance company to drop you entirely, forcing you to find another company to insure your vehicle.
If you are dropped by your insurance company, you can shop around for other options and compare quotes to secure reasonable protection. It’s also possible for high-risk drivers to look into nonstandard car insurance policies, although these tend to be more expensive.
Finally, you can get a California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP) where you can get coverage and liability insurance when you cannot access it elsewhere. These plans are the most costly and should be considered when other options haven’t worked.
If you are 21 years of age or above and have taken a chemical or urine test that resulted in a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or above (or 0.04% if you are a commercial license holder) and this is your first offense, you can expect to receive a license suspension of four months.
The arresting officer confiscates your license and gives you an Order of Suspension and Temporary License. So long as you have a current California driver’s license and your license was not revoked for any other reason, the four-month suspension will take effect from 30 days after your DUI arrest.
If you are convicted of driving under the influence, the DMV can suspend your license for six or ten months. You may also be liable for fines, driver education programs, or other penalties in addition to your loss of driving privileges.
Fortunately, getting an IID installed, along with an SR-22 from your insurance company can restore your driving privilege very quickly with a first or second offense.
An ignition interlock device is a small implement that gets fitted into your vehicle and requires you to blow into a mouthpiece to test your breath alcohol content (BrAC) before starting the ignition. If the unit detects a BrAC above the level determined by the monitoring authority, it prevents the engine from starting.
Under California law, a criminal judge must order the installation of a California IID in your vehicle for:
That being said, in Alameda County, the court rarely expresses much interest in whether you have actually installed the IID, leaving enforcement to the DMV. Regardless, it’s in your best interest to follow all requirements imposed upon you for your DUI charge.
Many states only hold DUIs on DMV records for five years. However, in California, you cannot get your DUI removed or sealed on your DMV record for 10 years following your conviction. Since your driving license suspension is an administrative consequence rather than a criminal consequence, you cannot have these records sealed or expunged.
This will affect your insurance premiums and your points for their respective periods. Once you have passed the ten-year timeframe, the conviction will no longer show up on your driving record and your insurance policy will return to normal (provided you have no further charges).
These records are used almost exclusively by the DMV (with the exception of insurance providers) and do not show up on your criminal background check. That said, if you are convicted of a DUI, you can expect the infraction to appear on your criminal record forever.
A DUI is a criminal offense, and if you are prosecuted it is permanently documented in your criminal record. You could be convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the incident.
This information will appear in your background checks when conducted by a potential employer or a landlord and may impact the professional and housing opportunities you are eligible for in the future.
In California, there is a law that prohibits employers from discriminating against candidates by checking their criminal history before issuing a job offer. However, in many cases, the employer can add a contingency clause requiring a clear criminal history.
The implications of a DUI conviction can impact your life overall in a variety of ways, including your family and personal relationships, your public reputation, and of course, criminal penalties. Let’s explore those below.
An expungement of your criminal record can help, but as noted at the beginning of this article, it has its limitations. It’s important to be aware of those limitations before engaging an attorney or spending any money on an expungement and to be wary of any attorney who does not explain these limitations to you.
Aside from standard fines, driver education courses, and potential jail time that comes with a DUI conviction, a criminal record can affect your rights. The extent of restrictions in your life will likely depend on the severity of the incidence, whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony, and your situation and support networks at the time of the incidence. Here are a few ways a criminal conviction may affect your life over the long term.
When you are convicted of drunk driving, you receive court orders to pay fines and potentially victim restitution. The total value of the fines depends on whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony and whether your conviction is a first, second, third, or subsequent offense.
Usually, for a misdemeanor, offenders are required to pay between about $2000 in Alameda County, but fines for felonies may be higher. The financial impact this can have on an individual’s life varies depending on their financial situation and family support.
It is not common for first or second DUI offenders to serve jail time in Alameda County, but it is still possible depending on the severity of the crime and any aggravating factors.
It is common for multiple repeat DUI offenders to be sentenced to serve jail time. While maximum sentences are not always served, often an offender is required to do a minimum jail term. Periods spent in county jail or prison can impact many areas of anyone’s life, including their family, social, and professional life.
For misdemeanor charges, the maximum time in county jail you are exposed to is usually a year, though the minimum sentence can be up to 180 days for serious repeat offenders. Depending on the circumstances, if you are charged with a felony you could spend between 16 months and 3 years in state prison. (More if death or serious injury results.)
Spending time in prison due to a DUI charge can hurt your chances of getting the charge expunged from your criminal record in the future, so it’s wise to work with an attorney who can help you get a reduced sentence at the time of your conviction.
As we mentioned before, it is illegal for employers in California to discriminate against those with criminal records. However, this does not prohibit them from adding contingency clauses into an offer of employment that may nullify the proposal in the presence of a criminal record.
Besides future employment, individuals with state licenses may have them revoked after having a criminal record. Moreover, those with professional driving licenses or who have to drive for their job may find it challenging to secure stable employment without a driver’s permit.
Among the general havoc and emotional weight that can be experienced when you have a DUI conviction, there are a few additional personal circumstances that may be implicated after an offense.
A convicted parent may lose custody of their children, and in some cases, family and social relationships may become compromised. Additionally, it’s common for law enforcement agencies to revoke your gun rights if you have been convicted of a felony in California, though a misdemeanor generally does not result in loss of Second Amendment protection. Furthermore, your public reputation or social standing may be affected if you are prosecuted with a DUI.
By now, you may be wondering how long a DUI stays on your record. In short, it will stay on your criminal record forever unless you go through the process of removing it. If you have already been convicted of a DUI, Louis J. Goodman may be able to help you have the offense removed from your criminal record. That said, it does depend on the circumstance surrounding the conviction.
According to California Penal Code 1203.4, you can file a motion to dismiss, which ultimately results in the case being dismissed from your record. Usually, you are eligible to have the infraction removed from your record provided you have:
Expungement or sealing your record prevents landlords and future employers from legally considering your conviction, even if it still appears on your record. This means you can check the “no criminal record” box in job applications. Be super careful about this. This contingency depends on what sort of job you are applying for, and nothing that you read here or on any other website should be taken as legal advice for a specific situation.
Government employers and individuals who seek or require government licenses may still be affected by their criminal record, even if the person has had the DUI expunged or sealed. The DUI will show up as a prior conviction on your record, meaning that if you face further DUI charges in a ten-year period, they will be prosecuted as a second offense.
The best way to ensure that you have a clean criminal record is to steer away from behavior classified as criminal. It may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised by the number of people who receive a DUI charge and do not realize that it leads to a criminal conviction.
Realistically, with the legal support of a diligent and experienced criminal defense attorney like Louis Goodman, you can form a strong defense and potentially avoid a DUI conviction altogether. The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman has been defending DUI charges for over 30 years in California and has a strong grasp on the laws and concepts that DUI defense cases are built around.
There is a range of defenses you can use for a DUI, and it’s important to discuss them with your lawyer as soon as possible.
However, the more time you have to build your case, the more reliable it is likely to be. So, if you are facing a DUI charge, don’t wait. Get in touch with an experienced attorney to learn more about your case as early as possible.
In the USA, the duration a DUI stays on your record varies by state, typically ranging from three to five years. In certain states, it may be treated like any other traffic violation and fall off after three years. However, in California, a DUI remains on your driving record for 10 years. It’s important to note that a driving record is distinct from a criminal record.
For a first-offense DUI in the USA, is typically considered a misdemeanor across all states, with a potential jail term of up to six months. It’s important to be aware that certain states impose mandatory jail sentences even for first-time offenders, and these may range from several days onwards.
The DUI limit is set at 0.08 percent across the United States. In California, the BAC limit for drivers in commercial vehicles is 0.04 percent. California is also a zero-tolerance state, which means you can be arrested on DUI charges if you are a minor and your BAC is higher than 0.01 percent. This 0.01 percent BAC limit also applies to drivers who are currently on DUI probation.
Arizona is known for having the most stringent drunk driving regulations. It stands out as the sole state that enforces all recommended measures to prevent DUI, including sobriety checkpoints and mandatory ignition interlock devices for all convicted drivers, as reported by Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
The length of time a DUI shows up on your criminal record varies from state to state. In California, the DUI is likely to remain on your record indefinitely unless you take action to get it expunged. To accomplish this, it’s wise to work with a criminal defense attorney. Before you can file for an expungement, you must complete your probation, pay all your fines, and complete any other mandated punishments without breaking any rules.
The cost of expunging a DUI off your record in California varies depending on a number of different factors. For starters, individual lawyers set their own rates based on their experience and number of years in business. Additionally, the nature of your DUI charge can impact the overall cost you must pay to have it removed. More complex cases or having multiple DUI charges can affect costs because the case may take longer to resolve.
After 10 years, a DUI conviction will be removed from your driver’s record. However, it may still remain on your criminal record if you do not take the proper steps to get it expunged. The easiest way to initiate this process is to seek legal guidance from a California DUI attorney so you can determine if your charge is eligible for expungement and breeze through the process with professional assistance.
If you are seeking expungement for a DUI charge or you simply have more questions about DUI law in California, it’s wise to reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has experience handling cases like yours.
The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman has been practicing criminal defense for over 30 years in California and can help you prepare a reliable defense in advance of your court date. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care that meets your unique needs and ensuring your rights are protected throughout any legal process regarding your charges.
Get in touch for a free consultation, and we can explore your legal options together today.
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