“IRS” Payment Demand

The phone rings. Someone claiming to be from the IRS says that a criminal complaint for non-payment of taxes is about to be filed against you and that you can avoid this by paying some sum immediately using a cashier’s check.

I don’t know anyone who has not received such a phone call at one time or another. If you get such a call, don’t fall for it. This “IRS” payment demand is a scam. The IRS does not make such calls or make demands in that manner.

Here’s my question: Where is Law Enforcement on this? I’m in court every day, and I have yet to see anyone prosecuted for running this scam. The scam is being run in the name of the government, people are falling for it and losing money, yet enforcement seems quite lax. Here’s what I would like to see:

• An advertised email and phone number to report these solicitations to Law Enforcement.
• Investigation and Prosecution of those responsible.
• Restitution paid to those who have been victims of this crime.

Feel free to copy and paste some or all of this blog post into an email to your State Representative, Congressperson, U.S. Senator, or Local Official.

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