Lamar Odom: My Take

Lamar Odom: What more could a human being ask out of life than to be a fabulously wealthy, famous, former NBA star, and married to a Kardashian?

How about not being halfway in a coma in a hospital bed near Las Vegas?

How about not being found half dead in a brothel?

How about not having the world know about your cocaine addiction?

It’s not easy being world famous and having everyone in your business. I’d argue that it’s not easy being anybody and having the court system in your business.

What Lamar Odom’s case brings up for me is how easy it is to fall prey to the issues of alcohol and drug use and the attendant court consequences that are sure to follow. Eighty percent (80%) of what we see in the Criminal Justice System is alcohol and drug driven. People who are charged with crimes tend to be using at the time their offense came to the attention of the police. I don’t know whether criminal charges will be brought against Lamar Odom, but I do know that substances brought him to the attention of the police. Substance abuse does not distinguish between the famous and the rest of us. Wealth does not insulate anyone from the problems of alcohol and drugs, not for that matter do family or political connections.

I hope Lamar Odom recovers completely. I hope he gets some treatment.

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