Sam Mollaei / Louis Goodman – Transcript

Sam Mollaei – Transcript

Louis Goodman 00:03
Welcome to Love thy Lawyer, where we talk to attorneys about their lives and careers. I’m Louis Goodman, and today I’m honored to be speaking with Sam Mollaei. In 2015, he quit his job at a law firm and developed a legal funnel. In doing so, he created a law firm that worked for him and not against him. He developed the knack of Law Firm automation. He’s collected over 3,500 five-star Google reviews and has helped hundreds of lawyers get more clients and have more free time. He’s recently published a book called Virtual Law Firm Secrets. It’s available on Amazon, and it is number one in two separate legal categories. I know that I have some lessons to learn from Sam. So, without further ado, Sam Mollaei, welcome to Love Thy Lawyer.

Sam Mollaei 01:01
Thank you so much, Louis. I love our lawyers, so super excited to share a lot of secret sauces with your audience.

Louis Goodman 01:08
Where are you talking to us from right now?

Sam Mollaei 01:11
A sunny, bright Los Angeles.

Louis Goodman 01:13
What type of practice do you have now?

Sam Mollaei 01:19
I actually run seven different law firms, which is very atypical, ranging from business law, tax ID services, property damage, employment law, lemon law, and workers’ comp. And sometimes we’re in just one state. And a bunch of the law firms, they’re in multiple states as well.

Louis Goodman 01:37
How long have you been an attorney?

Sam Mollaei 01:39
Seven years.

Louis Goodman 01:41
Are you licensed in states other than California?

Sam Mollaei 01:44
No, licensed in California and the way that we usually do it, is we did through … lawyers, lawyers who are either certified to practice in multiple states and sometimes we do referrals to other law firms in our…

Louis Goodman 01:57
Where are you from originally?

Sam Mollaei 01:59
I was born in Iran, and I lived out there until I was eight years old and actually I’m Jewish and which is a dichotomy, a Jewish person living in a country that doesn’t really accept Jewish people. So, we, our family was kind of forced to leave as a result of religious discrimination. And we moved out to the beautiful city of Los Angeles since I was eight years old and appreciate so much from this country because I know exactly what it’s like to not have, you know, complete freedom and, you know, complete freedom to do what you want when you want, as long as you know, obviously builds, as long as it falls within certain limits, but you know, that opportunity is everything.

Louis Goodman 02:42
So, did you go to high school in Los Angeles?

Sam Mollaei 02:44
I did, yeah.

Louis Goodman 02:45
Which one did you go?

Sam Mollaei 02:46
I went to Taft High School in Woodland Hills, California. Anybody knows?

Louis Goodman 02:51
Everybody knows Taft High School in Woodland Hills. When you graduated from Taft, where’d you go to college?

Sam Mollaei 02:57
I went to straight to UCLA. I pretty much, I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I got to UCLA and I noticed like, what are my friends doing? And I basically realized I had only had three choices if I wanted to continue my education. It was either business school, med school, or law school. I was able to kind of just pop from process of elimination, cross out two of those things. I’m like, okay, I guess law school it is. And it’s kind of like my friends are doing it, so I guess I gotta go too. That kind of, you know, that I ended up in law school and it kind of surprised me because I didn’t, I had no idea what being a lawyer was and I, it was until I started working at an externship and an internship at a couple law firms during law school where I was like, Whoa, is this, I didn’t know this is what, what it’s like to be a lawyer. So, at that point it was kinda like a trigger for me to start looking at non-traditional ways to be able to practice law. And now I’ve been able to kind of completely flip things on their head, again as a legal disruptor to run a non-traditional law practice.

Louis Goodman 03:55
Where did you go to law school?

Sam Mollaei 03:58
Southwestern Law School.

Louis Goodman 03:59
Did you take any time off between the time you graduated from UCLA and the time you went to Southwestern? Or did you go straight through?

Sam Mollaei 04:07
I basically, in my second year, I realized that I only had one more semester to take to finish. So, I had to take one semester of my third year, and I graduated one year early, but that time it was too late for me to kind of plan the next step. So, I basically had a one free year.

Louis Goodman 04:27
So, during that year, did you work or did you travel or did you just prepare for law school?

Sam Mollaei 04:34
Pretty much sat behind my computer and I was either reading books or watching a lot of YouTube videos.

Louis Goodman 04:40
When was it that you first decided that you wanted to go to law school and you wanted to be a lawyer?

Sam Mollaei 04:46
I kind of fell into it, honestly, I don’t think there was any initial stage I was at with like, I wanna become a lawyer. I kind of fell into it, as weird as it sounds. And then, you know, the, again, those, that moment hit, I’m like, wait, this is like what it’s like being a lawyer? And that’s when I kind of had to question how do I want it, what kind of lawyer do I wanna be and how do I wanna run my law firm I to start my own law firm?

Louis Goodman 05:09
Now, you said that you started working at a law firm and you realized that you had to do something different. What was it about working at the law firm that made you realize that doing it that way wasn’t the way that you were going to do it? And I’m wondering if you could tell us what that way was and what your notions about it were?

Sam Mollaei 05:33
So, it seemed like to me at that time that things were so black and white. It was like you’re confined to these certain specific rules, certain specific way to be able to do whatever you gotta do. And I was always this kind of creative thinker. I was like, outside the box, kind of think. Sometimes a contrarian where I kind of question things. I’m like, this is not probably the most efficient way to do it. Or It doesn’t have to be this way, or there’s a faster way, or you’d be able to possibly, you know, do it another way. And I started questioning those things and it drove me insane. I’m like, this is not, you know, there could be much more efficient, quicker ways to do this. Like that kind of like mindset kind of led me to start questioning typical, traditional law firm. And then that’s when I started learning about concepts of virtual business and automated business and also scalable business that I started applying for my law firm.

Louis Goodman 06:22
I suspect that in addition to driving yourself insane, you were probably driving the people that you worked for insane at the law firm?

Sam Mollaei 06:31
No, actually, no. I just, I just kept quiet and I kept it to myself. But I remember one of my moments when I realized I gotta make a shift was that I would come in to work on like, I believe eight o’clock, but 8:05 I was already looking at the time and I was like, That’s not good. I’m already looking at the time at 8:05, it’s a major concern. So that’s when I started like trying to, it was like basically soul searching, just trying to find anybody, any book, any videos, any article that I could find to start kind of, I guess, figure out another way to be able to take where I am in life and be able to use it to my advantage, but do it in a, again, non-traditional way.

Louis Goodman 07:09
Okay. Can you explain to me how that thinking started and where that thinking went? And just kind of outline what brought you to this notion of virtual law firm and how you developed the idea and then implemented it?

Sam Mollaei 07:32
Sure. So, my epiphany came when I read Tim Ferris’ 4-hour Workweek book. If anybody who hasn’t read that book, it’s I think life changing, game changing for a lot of lawyers.
Where I got exposed to those three key principles, the virtual model, which basically means you’re not tied to any physical time or location. You work on your own schedule from anywhere. Second, exposed me to this whole idea of creating an automated system for a lot of the operations to be automated, to take off those tedious and, you know, repetitive tests off your hand.

And the third idea, which is I think the biggest part of it is scalable actions, instead of doing things that are one to one interactions. For example, instead of having coffee meetings with people or having one-to-one interactions where you do one thing for one output instead, what if I could do one thing that could have many outputs, such as making one video that hundreds of people could watch versus me having one conversation with directly with one person.

So those three are like kind of really expanding my mind. I’m like, what if I could apply this to the legal market? And I started looking around like, is anybody applying these? And I realized there weren’t that many, if any, applying these. So, I’m like, I’m gonna be the first one to start implementing this stuff for my law firm.

So, I went away from this traditional way. I’m gonna stop having client meetings myself. What if I create system or you know, for me to get on, meet people on Zoom and maybe even be able to delegate that out? What if I could, you know, when I onboarded new clients, what if I get them to fill out this form and this form could automatically fill out all their paperwork for them. So I started like implementing that and I basically made a rule of thumb for myself, anything I’m gonna do for my, for my law firm has to check off those three bullet points, those three elements. Is it virtual, is it automated, and is it scalable? And if it broke any of those rules, I would not do it no matter how much money it could cost me on the short term. I stuck to it. And little by little I started the results again, especially with that scalable part that kind of led me to kind of grow very quickly.

My first four years of my law firm was able to quadruple my growth and ever since then, the past two or three years I’ve been able to, from double to 2.5x of the growth, again, applying those principles.

And then most recently I’ve been kind of tapping into leverage. How to take advantage of leverage, which could be defined by either leveraging other people, by hiring more or technology and automation or media or content, to be able duplicate myself over and be able to replicate myself to be able to grow quickly.

So those are the key principles. Those are like the main key principles that kind of lays out what actions I take on a day-to-day basis.

Louis Goodman 10:13
Can you walk me through the process from the point of view of the client? I mean, first of all, could you describe to me a typical client for one of your law firms, and then how that process works from the client end of things?

Sam Mollaei 10:31
So, let’s talk about Lemon Law. Lemon law is somebody who has usually a newer car, 2017 or a newer car, and it’s been having some issues and you have to take it into the dealership to repair it. And if you take it to the dealership multiple times, you may have a claim against the car manufacturer.

So, what I do is I put up ads and the ads say, “Hey, if you’ve been having car problems then you might be entitled to get paid.” And what I do is in my little client generation system is I qualify, ask qualifying questions upfront. Hey, tell me by your case what year is your car, etc. I collect that information so that I don’t have to require somebody to go in and qualify every single lead. We could qualify usually by 80% of our leads just through that part. If they qualify, great, let’s set up a system to automatically follow up with them and contact them right away to get them to get them signed up.

At that point, the next team takes over, which is our client onboarding team. For that, it’s always information and documents. So, let’s collect the information upfront that is collected in an intake. Those answers are automatically auto populated in our CRM, which automatically prepares all the discovery and anything that needs to be done on the back end.

Second is let’s go collect our documents, which is also automated through certain emails and texts automatically send some requests for these documents to collect those. We’ll continue asking for those documents until it’s collected. Once it’s collected, then it pushes them into our CRM and pushes them all along to get them through this process as soon as possible.

Louis Goodman 12:04
I don’t mean to interrupt you here, but I know I am, but I’m gonna come right back to it, but do you use a commercial client management software or is this something that you’ve developed all on your own?

Sam Mollaei 12:17
No. You definitely don’t wanna develop it yourself. It’s too complicated. No.

Louis Goodman 12:20
What do you use?

Sam Mollaei 12:20
A couple of different ones, but the main one that we use right now is HubSpot.

Louis Goodman 12:24
So you have the client upload their information into the CRM?

Sam Mollaei 12:31
Correct. Either we have people that get in contact, as soon as they’re onboarded, as soon as they’re signed up, then we get people to go to go collect that information. And sometimes even if they’re not responsive, then we are able to automate that on an outreach, say, “Congrats for being our client. Go ahead and submit your documents here”, et cetera.

Louis Goodman 12:51
And does a person make a phone call or go see the client or does the client come into the office? Or is it all virtual?

Sam Mollaei 12:59
Yeah, we never ideally need to see a client in person. You know, everything, all these things can be requested through email, text, websites, things like that. Yeah. That’s part of the scalable, we would never wanna do any one-to-one interactions.

Louis Goodman 13:10
Okay. So, the client ultimately gets all of their documentation, their paperwork uploaded into the CRM. Then what happens?

Sam Mollaei 13:21
At that point a lot of automation takes over, so it takes all that information that we collected upfront, and it prepares a lot of the paperwork for us. I would say 80, about 80% of the efforts is done through the automation. And then the last part is obviously reviewing it to make sure it’s good, make sure obviously our client’s interests are fully maximized and pretty much taken over from that point forward.

Louis Goodman 13:41
So, then what happens? Does it generate a demand letter?

Sam Mollaei 13:45
Pretty much, yeah. Generates a bunch of documents, things that helps our team to be able to take it over and review it and file it.

Louis Goodman 13:51
Does it ever have to go into litigation? Does it ever have to be filed in court?

Sam Mollaei 13:56
Sure, sure. And even that part, again, a lot of it, a lot of the busy work can be filled out already for you, and then our team just does checks, makes sure that it’s good, good to go.

Louis Goodman 14:07
At some point, somebody who’s admitted to the bar needs to show up in court.

Sam Mollaei 14:15
Correct. If If it goes to litigation.

Louis Goodman 14:17
If it goes to litigation, and what percentage of these lemon law things end up going to litigation?

Sam Mollaei 14:23
Not a big percentage. Single digit, pretty much, if that.

Louis Goodman 14:29
Most of it can be done before anybody with a J.D. after their name actually has to show up in court?

Sam Mollaei 14:37

Louis Goodman 14:38
You have a very unique way of practicing law. I mean, I’ve never heard of anybody who practices law the way you do, which is fine. And I’m wondering what is it that you really like about practicing law? Because you’re a very bright guy, you have a mind that works in an incredible way, at least from my point of view. And I’m wondering what it is about law that you really like because it seems to me that you could do pretty much any type of business applying some of these same principles.

Sam Mollaei 15:11
I feel like law has a lot of catching up to do, and that’s a good thing because it’s all, improves the efficiency for the law firm owners and also for the clients. This entire process is good for both sides. It will make your life easier and optimizes this, the process that your clients have to take in order for them to be served completely from beginning to end.

So, a lot of people that hear these things are like, Oh, you know, here comes the new way. Or they look at the negative aspects of this, But no, I actually, everything for me, my mind works in opportunities. How can we optimize this? Everything is on the positive side of things, improving things.

Louis Goodman 15:52
In the introduction I mentioned your book, Virtual Law Firm Secrets. I assume that you outline these principles in that book?

Sam Mollaei 16:02
Yeah. I basically take the top ways to make the biggest impact, to be able to streamline your law firm so that you are in control of your law firm and your law firm isn’t in control of you. So, what I found out, I basically, when I started realizing these concepts and applying these concepts for my own law firms and duplicating and now doing it for other lawyers and all that stuff, I realized a lot of law firm owners deal with, they’re stressed and overwhelmed, because again, they’re bogged down with the nitty gritty stuff.

What if you could take off all those nitty gritty details of running the day to day and automate it? Or maybe let’s try to figure out a way to hire virtual people to be able to delegate those stuff out so that everybody can focus on what they’re good at and what they enjoy doing most.

I think that’s where true success for most lawyers is. Not making the most money, it’s not necessarily having the most, you know, prestigious job. That’s great. Maybe it makes you feel temporarily good. Long term your true happiness and true success is, comes down to doing what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing the most. If you can get yourself to focus on only those things, you’ll be a happy lawyer and a happy person and have a big impact for your law firm.

A lot of these things just basically clean up that those other miscellaneous tasks that you, tasks that you don’t wanna do, so to get you closer to working in your desired zone.

Louis Goodman 17:21
This podcast is just audio, but I’m talking to you on a Zoom call that we’re recording, and I can see that behind you are some awards that are on the wall of your office. I’m wondering if you could tell us what those awards are and what they represent.

Sam Mollaei 17:44
These are awards by Click Funnels. Click Funnels is just a software that helps you create these pages, these website pages to increases your chances of you turning these leads into clients. So, when I got exposed to this tool, I’m like, I’m gonna apply this tool for my law firm to help me sign up more clients. And lo and behold, it started working out. So, I basically took me five years for me to generate a million dollars for my first law firm and the first time I did it, it kind of like opened up my eyes, Ah, this is how it’s done.
So I went and duplicated the same exact process and I did it for my second law firm. Then I repeated it for my third law firm. And then recently also started teaching this to other lawyers and I was able to secure for my fourth time.

So these are basically four different, three different law firms, and the fourth one for a company to be able to generate a million dollars, now multimillion dollars for each of them, applying these concepts and automations and scalable and virtual models in my law firms.

Louis Goodman 18:37
What do you think is the best advice that you’ve ever received?

Sam Mollaei 18:41
Don’t sit on decisions.

Louis Goodman 18:43
Do you provide any coaching to attorneys?

Sam Mollaei 18:48
I did, actually.

Louis Goodman 18:49
How does that work?

Sam Mollaei 18:50
I started three years ago when I started applying these things for myself, and it was the proof of concept for myself. I’m like, Okay, now let me go on a journey to pass this on.
Always had a vision to have a tutoring company when I was in high school and college, I had a successful tutoring company and I kind of had to let let it go because I went to college and you know, law school happened.

And then at one point, it was a couple years ago, I wonder, I’m like, like what happened to my tutoring company vision? And I realized, I’m like, wait a minute. For the last couple years I’ve been, I have been tutoring and I’ve just been tutoring lawyers. It’s been doing great. 400 lawyers have joined our program so far across multiple practice types, both transactional and litigation lawyers. And I teach things in principles idea. These are overarching big ideas, big leverages that you, once you learn, then you be to apply it for your specific practice type.

And from this point, and now that I’m three years in, I’ve been able to collect so much data about what works and what doesn’t for specific practice types and anybody that comes in, I just have to have like a 10 minute conversation with you and I could tell you straight up what works for you and what doesn’t. Because not only do I collect a lot of data myself, again, being in tech and all this lead generation, client generation online, but also having all these conversations that not only do I have, but also my team has and feeds that back to me. And then now I talk to other vendors, all that stuff. And I take that all in and I kind of consolidate it and I give it right back to the lawyers. They love it because it’s like very straight to the point, pointed, actionable things that they could do to move the biggest needle for their law firm.

Louis Goodman 20:18
What advice do you give to lawyers who come to see you? What’s one main bit of advice that you talk to lawyers about?

Sam Mollaei 20:31
A very practical advice that I always give is that go analyze your last 12 months. Exactly where did your clients come from? What’s the source? What kind of marketing are you doing? So to kind of define how you’re spending your money, and I want you to analyze that data so that you’ll be able to apply the 80/20 Pareto Principle to it.

You’ll find out whenever you analyze a lot of data, when there’s a lot of numbers involved, you’ll see that most of your results comes from like your top 10 to 20% of your work. So, if that’s the case, let’s go figure out what that is and triple down on it and let’s stop doing everything else. And a lot of lawyers kind of try to do a little bit of a lot of a lot of things. That’s a mistake. Instead, be analytical, analyze your past to help you determine exactly way you do in the future.

Louis Goodman 21:17
Would it be fair to say that it would be your advice and recommendation to really narrow the focus of one’s practice, whatever that practice might be?

Sam Mollaei 21:28
Very good question. And the answer is a yes, absolutely. And if you look at the top law firms all around you or …, they’re not a big law firm because they do five different practice types. They’re usually, for the most part, they do one practice type. They do it really well. And you have to differentiate yourself out by focusing on a niche, specific practice type.

And I could give some secret sauces, some secret information. A lot of people try to do it based on the specific practice type or specific niche. Instead, the niche should be the who. Niche down on the who, not the what. Okay? Let that sink in for you. Niche down on the who.

You get certain types of people. And you ask yourself what is the biggest problem that they have at their life and how can I resolve that? The who and the specific problem that they have.

Louis Goodman 22:20
And then how do you go about targeting the potential clients?

Sam Mollaei 22:25
Clients comes in and gets into client generation and let’s simplify it because a lot of people are like, they know, they don’t know, you know, how to get clients. So, I think the best thing is to simplify it. So, clients only come one of two ways. Okay, that’s it. One is either organic, organic is usually comes from you creating value. Again, this is, yeah, I don’t wanna get into it. I was about to go on a tangent, but organic is you creating value in the market. So, that’s usually … by creating videos, content, email, newsletters, things like that where you produce value, create some kind of value for your potential clients. That’s one.

Second is you pay for the clients. Paid ads, Google ads, Facebook ads. Those kinds of ways. It’s one of usually one of those two ways. So, and what you do is you wanna pick the top source or one of those two certain ways and go hard on it. Go all in. And every practice type has one specific paid ad source that works the best for them. I kind of am sitting on that information that usually I share that with our lawyers. If you can pay for it, that’s great. Let’s go, let’s go quickly set that up. If not, if you don’t have money, instead you have time. Okay, let’s go spend the next six to 12 months, pick one specific platform that we could put consistently post content and provide as much value to our potential clients.

If the, the lawyers who understand this concept then commit to it for six to 12 months and actually follow through are the ones that are pretty much guaranteed to get clients.

Louis Goodman 23:53
I’d like to shift gears here a little bit. What’s your family life like and how ha practicing law affected or fit into that?

Sam Mollaei 24:04
Very good question, and I’m a huge believer that our life isn’t about, you know, making money and business. I think that’s all secondary and everything else in non-intangibles, like your family, relationships, all that stuff is the main part. So, I’m a huge family man. I have a wife, been married for almost four years now. I have a one year old baby. Baby girl. And what virtual law firm model does is it gives me the freedom of time to be able to, for me, I enjoy working from home, so I’m able to work from home, see my baby whenever I want, and it gives me the freedom to go on vacations whenever I feel like it.

Louis Goodman 24:39
Can you tell us about a couple interesting travel experiences that you’ve had?

Sam Mollaei 24:43
Yeah. I’m actually totally obsessed with the country of Israel. Been able to visit 11 times in my life. At one point I went for 10 years, 10 times in 10 years straight, and I just happened to go last month. Fully in love. And what’s cool about Israel is it has both two polar opposites.

One is you have Tel Aviv, that’s very kind of young city, a lot of action. It’s a very tech, young kind of action city. And then you have Jerusalem that’s very spiritual, very deep and complete opposite. And the cool part is they’re only one hour away. So, you can have this cool little experience in Jerusalem, and then you go party in Tel Aviv all within the same day.

Louis Goodman 25:18
What sort of recreational pursuits do you have that kind of get your mind off of your virtual law firms when you wanna do something else?

Sam Mollaei 25:29
Poker and I actually played last night. I’m a huge believer that poker makes you a better analytical thinker and it makes you better in business decisions and it makes you a better person in general.

So, a lot of times in poker, you know, you could lose. You get unlucky, unlucky, unlucky, unlucky and you still have to make the right decisions, which is very hard. And it’s actually a training, good training exercise for your brain. Hey, even though times are tough and it’s stress for your situation and you still stay calm headed.

Other way is it also helps you become a good loser and a good winner. When you win, you don’t wanna be the one you know, gloating and talking about it because nobody likes that. And when you lose nobody wants to sit there and listen to you complain the whole time.

Louis Goodman 26:11
What mistakes do you think lawyers make?

Sam Mollaei 26:13
Doing everything themselves. That that might be the biggest one. A lot of lawyers who be like, nobody can do it better than them or nobody can do it like them, or things like that.
Those kinds of ideas. No. One idea that I learned is that the more that you matter to your law firm, the less your law firm is worth. Do it one more time. The more that YOU matter to your law firm, the less your law firm is worth.

Louis Goodman 26:36
Have you ever had a near death experience, and if so, did you learn anything from it or change your life as a result of it?

Sam Mollaei 26:45
Yeah, it was actually when I learned how to swim. I think I was about like 11 years old and my cousin pushed me into the water and the time I didn’t know how to swim. And I remember as soon as I got pushed in my life flashed in front of my eyes and only, it was like only two seconds, but I had two seconds I feel like I lived for like eternity, which is, you know, it’s obviously a couple of good things came outta it. One practically is I learned how to swim right after. But also too is like, you know, obviously life is short and, you know, be able to see your life in a couple of matter, a couple of seconds, realize, you know, this is very nimble and very fragile, so, you know, you better take it seriously.

Louis Goodman 27:23
What keeps you up at night?

Sam Mollaei 27:24
Constant ideas of things that I could implement for my law firms, and it’s nonstop and I can’t stop it. What I do is I store it. I don’t ever sit on an idea. I use a tool called Todoist. Is basically, it’s an app on your phone, also on your computer.

Louis Goodman 27:40
What’s the name of it? What’s the name?

Sam Mollaei 27:42
Todoist. And it’s nonstop, basically just flowing with different things that could be done. And then now I’m kind of working on like, how can I control that? Maybe I should meditate more, which I have been doing, kind control this, so it’s not always flying.

Louis Goodman 27:58
Let’s say you came into some real money, let’s say three or four billion dollars. What, if anything would you do differently in your life?

Sam Mollaei 28:07
I ask this question all the time to myself and honestly the answer is I would be doing it pretty much the same thing, because ultimately what do I know better or what do I enjoy doing most? And it’s basically challenging myself to work on myself, improving myself. And two is making other people’s lives better. So, honestly, truthfully, same thing.

Louis Goodman 28:27
Let’s say you had a magic wand and there was one thing in the world you could change in the legal world, the business world, the world in general. What would that one thing be?

Sam Mollaei 28:36
For everybody to have a morning routine to focus on themselves. A lot of people just wake up in the morning and they’re distracted by other people or other things that wants or requires their attention, obviously it’s, usually it’s their phone or news or be your Facebook newsfeed. Instead. If you’re in control of your first hour, your morning, I’m a strong believer that your morning kind of dictates your rest of the day.

And what I do is recently, in the last three months ago, I started waking up at 5 a.m. and I go to, I go to learn at a Jewish synagogue from six in the morning until 6:45. There’s about 40 of us, which is pretty cool. It’s not just me, you know, young people that are learning. And then 6:45, we pray until 7:30 and get home by eight. By the time it’s eight. You know, most people haven’t started their work, but at this point, like two hours in and this cool little learning mentality of kind of focused learning mentality. Now, when I start my work, it’s, I’m a lot more clear-headed and a lot more focused than most people.

Louis Goodman 29:35
Let’s say you had 60 seconds on the Super Bowl. Someone gave you a 60 second Super Bowl ad. What message would you wanna put out to the nation?

Sam Mollaei 29:46
This question? I love it, Louis, you’re good at it. I think giving without expecting, giving without expecting. Dropping expectations. A lot of people I feel like are stuck in this, at this stage in their life where they just expect too much from the world, either from other people or how, from how successful you should be because you worked a certain amount or things like that. Wrong expectations. I have no expectations for anything, and when I found out that that mentality, it’s less stressful, my happiness is not tied to any specific result.

Louis Goodman 30:22
If somebody wants to get ahold of you, somebody wants to connect with you. What’s the best way to do that?

Sam Mollaei 30:31
So, if you’re lawyer and you kind of liked these concepts that I shared with you, all you have to do is just search for Legal Funnel or go to Go to our website, kind of check us out. If it sounds intriguing to you, then I just feel free to book a call to speak to us. You know, we’ve talked to over 2000 lawyers in the past three years. We are sitting on a lot of data, what works, what doesn’t. We share that information with you and hopefully be able to, you know, provide you value and tell you more about our program.

Louis Goodman 30:57
That’s ?

Sam Mollaei 31:00
Correct. And Virtual Law Firm Secrets. As Louis suggested, it’s on Amazon. Just go search Virtual Law Firm Secrets. You’ll get a lot of amazing, amazing practical ways to be able to help control, help you control your law firm.

Louis Goodman 31:14
Sam, is there anything else that you wanted to talk about that we haven’t discussed?

Sam Mollaei 31:21
Yeah. I don’t want people sitting on decisions. I think that we talked about that. So if there’s been a decision that you’ve been sitting on, should I do this or should I do that, or should I do this or should I not? The answer, for the most part, just expect the 90% of the time the answer is either both or yes.

Louis Goodman 31:37
Sam Mollaei, thank you so much for joining me today on the Love Thy Lawyer Podcast. It’s been a pleasure to talk to you.

Sam Mollaei 31:45
It’s been a pleasure, Louis. I would say one of the top interviews I ever had, because you’re a deep analytical guy, I love it. I wanna give you props for everything you’ve been doing the last couple years and appreciate everything you do.

Louis Goodman 31:54
That’s it for today’s episode of Love Thy Lawyer. If you enjoyed listening, please share it with a friend and follow the podcast. If you have comments or suggestions, send me an email. Take a look at our website at, where you can find all of our episodes, transcripts, photographs and information.
Thanks to my guests and to Joel Katz from music, Bryan Matheson for technical support, Paul Robert for social media and Tracy Harvey. I’m Louis Goodman.
Sam Mollaei 32:31
Nothing. I think the world is created that nothing’s ever complete. Nothing’s ever finished, and along with that, everything is also temporary.

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