Union City DUI Lawyer

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Union City DUI Attorney

It is illegal to drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol in California. Anyone caught engaging in this illegal behavior faces the risk of being charged with a DUI. While being charged can be scary, it does not automatically mean you are guilty. Everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty in court. To help defend your interests and ensure no one takes advantage of your rights in the process, hire a Union City DUI lawyer for legal assistance.

At the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman, we help clients who have been accused of driving under the influence in Union City every day. Our years of experience in this space have helped us develop effective defense strategies to challenge DUI charges. We understand the gravity of these situations and will ensure every angle of your case is explored to try and reduce or dismiss the charges you face. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can help.

Best Union City DUI Lawyer

How a Union City DUI Lawyer Can Help

Hiring an experienced DUI lawyer is one of the most important resources to secure after being charged with driving under the influence. They will be able to leverage their education and track record of other cases to help boost your chances of earning the outcome you are looking for. Some of the most influential areas of value a DUI attorney can add include:

Thorough Investigation of Your Arrest

From the moment an officer pulls you over, there are many different details that need to be investigated to determine if your DUI charge is valid or unlawful. To reach this conclusion, a DUI lawyer will look into the circumstances of your arrest to see if they can spot any procedural missteps or obvious violations of your constitutional rights. To start, they will watch all dashcam and bodycam footage available to see why an officer pulled you over.

The police report can also be revealing. They will read its entirety to see if they can spot any inconsistencies or errors made by an officer during the traffic stop or arrest. Afterward, they will also take time to examine the conduct of the arresting officer. If there is any evidence that an officer deviated from all required procedures, like issuing a proper warning and ensuring you are aware of your constitutional rights, it could warrant a dismissal of specific evidence.

Challenging the Accuracy of Field Sobriety and Chemical Tests

Before an officer is able to arrest someone, they need to have some form of evidence that the individual is intoxicated. To achieve this, an officer will rely on results from field sobriety tests or a breathalyzer reading to measure someone’s blood alcohol concentration. While failing to pass these tests is enough to warrant an arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence, these tests are fallible and can be challenged in court.

For example, it’s not impossible for instances of human error to occur during the administration of a field sobriety test. Video footage from the scene could reveal that an officer gave unclear instructions that caused the individual to fail the test. Breathalyzer equipment that has not been properly maintained or calibrated could also result in an exaggerated reading that does not accurately reflect the defendant’s true blood alcohol concentration level.

Negotiating Lesser Charges or Penalties

DUI lawyers will work hard to try and find opportunities to reduce or dismiss the charges their client’s face. In many cases, this means trying to advance a plea bargain to exchange a guilty verdict for a lighter punishment if the evidence against the defendant is compelling. This could help to reduce time spent in jail, money owed in fines, or how long a driver’s license will be suspended.


How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost?

The total cost of legal services from a DUI lawyer will depend on many different factors, like how many years of experience they have in the field and how complicated your case is to solve. The longer they need to work on your case, the more time they will have to bill. However, not all attorneys charge by the hour, and just because extra hours are being spent on your case does not mean there won’t be a return on investment in the end.

Is It Worth Getting a DUI Lawyer?

Yes, hiring a DUI lawyer can be one of the most important decisions you make after being charged with driving under the influence. This is because they will be one of the most influential resources you can have to try and reduce or dismiss the allegations against you. If you choose to represent yourself in court, your lack of education and experience in this legal discipline could cause you to overlook details that could cause you to face unnecessary consequences.

How Do You Beat a DUI Case?

To beat a DUI case in Union City, California, you need to work with your DUI lawyer to challenge the evidence that is being presented against you. This could require you to question the legality of the traffic stop, challenge how accurate the results of your field sobriety test are, or demonstrate how a law enforcement officer neglected their duty to follow protocol. Making any of these points could dismiss evidence that makes it more difficult for the prosecution to prove guilt.

Can I Refuse a Breathalyzer Test?

You have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test in California, but there are consequences to making this decision. Because it prevents a law enforcement officer from confirming if you are intoxicated beyond a legal level or not, they will likely arrest you on the spot for making this decision. This is because they cannot verify if you are a danger to others or not for being on the road. If this happens, connect with a DUI lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights.

Contact the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman Today

If you are in the Union City area and have been recently accused of driving under the influence, you need legal representation. The DUI defense attorneys at the Law Office of Louis J. Goodman are always standing by, ready to lend our services to those who are looking to combat these allegations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together to create a solid defense strategy for your case.

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